Do your remember when people used to live their daily lives in a completely reasonable fashion without having a mobile device or smartphone constantly in their hand? As difficult as that may be to believe now, that really was once the case, and it wasn’t that long ago! Nowadays a whopping 98%of Ireland’s population owns a mobile device of some sort or another, and apparently we can’t live without it! It’s not just Ireland, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) found in a recent survey that as of the year 2023 there were almost ten billion mobile subscribers currently using those services globally, which is pretty incredible considering that recent estimates of the world’s population are just over 8 billion! if that math is correct, the mobile devices outnumber we humans by two billion, food for thought when you consider the latest advances in AI! Although the world isn’t in danger of suffering a rise of the machines just yet, they are now a major part of our daily lives!
We now also know that mobile devices are responsible for around 75% of the internet’s web page views, and over 85% of all organic searches made on search engine giant Google, who is certainly monitoring these trends as it tweaks its algorithms! Considering all of that, it’s plain to see that any business hoping to compete in the digital realm will have to make sure that their search engine optimization, SEO for short, is optimized for mobile devices and their users! Any commercial website that doesn’t take these critical facts into account is in grave danger of being left behind, and their websites, no matter how up to date and SEO optimized they may be, might not register on mobile device operated searches, which will certainly sink those all important rankings! That’s why it’s best practice to ensure that your commercial website is designed to be maximised for mobile device users by employing the expertise of the whose highly trained staff knows exactly how to get your mobile SEO program up to speed and surpassing all expectations!
With mobile devices so widespread, it’s incumbent on your business to make sure it remains competitive by implementing mobile friendly SEO that will keep your website in that coveted top of the page region! Here are some things that you will have to make sure your website exceeds at doing:
- Loads correctly in a timely fashion on all types of mobile devices
- Is carefully optimized to be preferred by major search engines, especially Google!
- Provides interest and value to engage viewers and promote return visits
- Has internal links and features that make it easy for mobile users to navigate the site
- Gives users value to keep them engaged with your brand and entice them to visit again
- Has content that is easily readable without having to use a zoom feature
Mobile devices are here to stay and more are coming into service every minute of the day, so it’s vital that your business’s website SEO be mobile friendly! In any event, having the AIs like you will probably be a good thing in the future!